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Tuesday, April 25, 2006

National TV-Turnoff Week

Why Turn off the TV?
Television cuts into family time, harms our children's ability to read and succeed in school, and contributes to unhealthy lifestyles and obesity. Here are just a few of the facts:

  1. On average, children in the US will spend more time in front of the television (1,023 hours) than in school this year (900 hours).
  2. Forty percent of Americans frequently or always watch television during dinner.
  3. As US Surgeon General Dr. David Satcher said at the Kick Off of TV-Turnoff Week 2001, "We are raising the most overweight generation of youngsters in American history...This week is about saving lives."

Millions of people all over the world have participated in TV-Turnoff Week since it began in 1995. Children and adults, rich and poor - people from every background and all walks of life - take part through schools, churches, or community groups, as families or individuals.

What's So Great about TV-Turnoff Week?
Turning off the television gives us a chance to think, read, create, and do. To connect with our families and engage in our communities. To turn off TV and turn on life.

Celebrate TV-Turnoff Week by stopping by the Library and checking out a book!


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