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Friday, July 31, 2009

Plumber Licensing Practice Exams

Future Plumbers can now practice for important licensing exams online at their convenience. This is a welcome addition to the hundreds of practice tests available for free to library patrons through the LearningExpress Library website.

Whether you are just starting out in the plumbing trade or are a seasoned veteran looking for career enhancement, successful completion of your local journeyman or master licensing exam is an important career step. The goal of both exams is two-pronged: (1) to test knowledge and (2) to determine whether applicants can apply plumbing codes in real-world situations.

The LearningExpress Plumber's Exam Practices offer two online practices that test UPC and IPC code knowledge as well as the essential trade theory that is tested on every licensing exam, regardless of state or municipality.

Each Plumber Practice Exam offers:

  • 85+ multiple-choice questions designed to familiarize examinees with the content of
    their local Journeyman or Master Plumber licensing exam
  • Authentic practice with a computerized testing environment
  • Instant online scoring and detailed answer explanations
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics:

  • The average hourly wage for a plumber was $20.44.
  • There were about 500,000 licensed plumbers in 2006.
  • Apprenticeship programs generally provide the most comprehensive training, but many workers train in career or technical schools or community colleges.

So if you're thinking of a career as a Plumber, be sure to prepare for your tests at LearningExpress Library. Grab your library card and get started now.

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