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Monday, June 29, 2009

What's the library worth to you? Find out now.

Library use is on the rise both here in Henderson and around the country. Some say it's the result of a tough economy. Whatever the reason, in good times or bad, libraries are a great value. Have you considered the value of your public library lately? Just how much would it cost you every month to buy the number of books that you borrow from the library? Or, how much would it cost you to buy or rent the number of movies that you borrow from the library?

Use our Library Value Calculator to find out just how much you are saving (or could save) by using the public library. Just plug in the number of times you have used a particular service in the past week, month, or year, and the Library Value Calculator will do the rest! Use our feedback form to let us know how much money the library saves you and your family. We would love to hear from you!

Library facts
  • There are now more public library buildings in the U.S. than there are McDonald’s – a total of 16,592, including branches.
  • Library use continues to rise – public library visits exceed 1.3 billion, and libraries circulate more items than Fed Ex ships – more than 2.1 billion books, CDs, DVDs and more.
  • Americans check out on average more than seven books a year. They spend about $31 for the public library – about the cost of one hardcover book.
  • Americans spend about two-and-a-half times as much on salty snacks as they do on public libraries.

Source: American Library Association

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