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Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Do you know the value of your library?

We see an average of over 550 people walk through our doors every day. The things these people come seeking vary widely. Some people come to check out books, movies, or CDs. Some people come to use our free internet or wireless internet access. Some people come needing answers to questions like "What is the gross national product of Brazil?" or "What is my grandmother's antique porcelain teapot worth?" Some people just come to sit and read a magazine or newspaper for a while.

All of these people, while their needs vary, know the worth of their library. But most of them probably have no idea the value of the services the library provides. But now, thanks to our website's newest feature, all of our patrons can now find out how much money they save themselves every year by valuing the library and the services we offer.

Just how much would it cost you every month to buy the number of books that you borrow from the library? Or, how much would it cost you to buy or rent the number of movies that you borrow from the library? These popular services and more are highlighted on our new Library Value Calculator. Just plug in the number of times you have used a particular service in the past week, month, or year, and the Library Value Calculator will do the rest! We would love to hear about your results. Use our feedback form to let us know how much money the library saves you and your family.

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